It was a December Saturday, precisely forty years ago. It was dusk, as it is now, and we were standing by the window looking at the blue sky slowly darkening outside. We were opening our hearts to each other and finally there was a moment when you told me you loved me, and I no longer saw the fading light but millions of fireworks exploding in the sky. A slow song began to play and you grabbed my hand and …
Tag: high school
I met her in high school when I was 14 and she was 16, one year and a half older than me. I believe the first thing that brought us closer together was that we were two tall girls in a world of short people, but we soon discovered we had many things in common. Such as our dislike of the 1974 revolution and the changes it had brought into our lives. It had cost me my native land Mozambique …
In the last few months my younger boy, my “baby” as I call him, has become a man. He was a beautiful baby, with large greenish eyes in a round face and yellow-blonde hair. He looked like a cherub…his first months were difficult, as he was often ill with bronchitis but fortunately when he was a year old I began taking him to a homeopath who did wonders for him – and my baby who was constantly coughing did not …